Iron Maiden love

Snart är de här. 16/7 & 26/7
Sa nån nåt om att följa med???
Kom igen! let's find some biljetter! =D

The reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg
The trooper
Dance of Death
Hallowed be thy name
The Clansman
Wasted years
Fear of the dark
Different world
Heaven can wait
These colors don't run
Run to the hills    favoriten!! <3
Lord of light
Doctor doctor
Out of the shadows
Where eagles dare
The wickerman
Aces high
Dream of mirrors
2 minutes 2 midnight
Blood brothers
Children of the damned (lyssnar sönder just nu)
Flight of Icarus
Sign of the cross
The Clairvoyant
Quest for fire
Deja vu
Man on the edge
The longest day
The wickerman
Bring your daughter to the slaughter
Dance of death
Dream of mirrors
Ghost of the navigator
Iron Maiden
Phantom of the opera
Running free
The number of the beast


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